
Articles Posted in Dui


Arizona Has Some of the Harshest Penalties for Those Convicted of Driving Under the Influence, Even for First-Time Offenders

Given the manner in which Arizona DUI laws are written and enforced, most people who are arrested and charged with an Arizona DUI offense have no idea that they were over the legal limit or were still under the influence of an intoxicating substance. Thus, the fact that Arizona has…


Relocating to a New State after DUI: What You Need to Know

In Phoenix, AZ, attorney James Novak helps clients maintain driving privileges and minimize the damage done by a DUI (driving under the influence) arrest. A DUI defense attorney helps by doing more than just defending the criminal charges. There are also a host of administrative issues that need to be…


False Positive with Unnatural Breathing are Common in DUI Cases

In Phoenix, AZ, attorney James Novak provides aggressive defense for DUI cases. A DUI can be defended on many fronts, many of which involve challenging the breath test results. A DUI breath test is designed to determine the level of alcohol in a driver’s system. When an alcohol concentration of…


What Are the Financial Penalties of DUI?

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is negligent, dangerous, and can potentially lead to serious injuries or fatalities. Because driving under the influence (DUI) is so dangerous, those who commit a DUI will face harsh financial penalties for their actions. The penalties of DUI can extend beyond financial…


Marijuana Field Sobriety Tests Are Not Reliable

There is currently a nationwide discussion about the legality of marijuana. While the federal government continues to debate whether or not marijuana is legal, the state of Arizona has very strict laws regarding purchase, possession, and use of the substance. Only people with medical marijuana card can obtain small amounts…


DUI and Being Impaired to the Slightest Degree – Phoenix, AZ

In Phoenix, AZ, attorney James Novak knows that DUI and being impaired to the slightest degree are special types of cases. Most drivers think of a DUI as a case where the driver is arrested for driving while having a blood alcohol content over the legal limit of .08%. However,…

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